Top 10 Highest Growing Cryptocurrencies

These cryptocurrencies should be in your head right now

Cryptocurrencies are the thought in every investor’s mind. It’s a topic that’s popping like hot popcorn on every business media outlook, rightfully for its volatile price highs and lows. If you’ve considered investing in Bitcoins, hold that thought because many other cryptocurrencies within the market have the potential to grow and get your profits.

1. Bitcoin

No list is incomplete without Bitcoin. the most popular and the highest valued crypto within the world, despite all its cons, if you have the funds to invest, buy Bitcoins. There’s no doubt about its growth as it’s a loyal option for many investors globally.

2. Ethereum (Ether)

After Bitcoin, this is often the second most valuable crypto-coin within the world. It’s quite just a cryptocurrency, the blockchain-based platform that supports Ether is that the first one to introduce smart contracts which allow developers to form an application that supported it. The transaction speed of Ether is additionally pretty quick compared to Bitcoin.

3. Ripple (XRP)

Ripple was created in 2012 with a unique thought in mind, to unravel problems related to international payment transfers. Traditionally, international money transfer takes a few weeks but Ripple can make it happen in a few seconds. Out of all the cryptocurrencies immediately, Ripple is one among the few that’s being tested for real-world use. So buying this cryptocurrency is going to be a wise decision.

4. Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

This is not Bitcoin but a part of it. When the Bitcoin developers were unable to alter the changes in Bitcoin’s code, they made BCH. The new codes made Bitcoin Cash faster than Bitcoins.

5. Litecoin

Litecoin was created by an ex-Google employee on the blockchain technology of Bitcoin, but improved. the reason it’s called a ‘Lite’ coin is that the transaction speed is 2.5 minutes, faster than Bitcoin’s 10 minutes. It’s been one of the most steady cryptocurrencies for 7 years.

6. Cardano (ADA)

Ethereum’s co-founder created Cardano with the ability of smart contracts. Compared to Ether, Cardano has the 3rd most advanced blockchain technology out of the lot, which makes this a secure investment.

7. EOS

Compared to Ether, EOS is a lot more scalable due to its advanced mechanism, a combination of Delegated Proof of Stake and Byzantine Fault Tolerance to verify transactions. This makes EOS the most secure cryptocurrency to make transactions.

8. Stellar (XLM)

Stellar was created by the founder of Ripple with an equivalent aim to facilitate cross-border payments. Compared to Ripple, Stellar is more decentralized and has strategic partnerships with over 30 banks.


IOTA is the most unique cryptocurrency of all because it uses a new protocol investigation called “Tangle” and not blockchain technology. the biggest advantage of IOTA is that the zero transaction fee.

10. NEO

NEO has the speed to complete 10,000 transactions per second. NEO is one among the few crypto coins that supports C++, C#, Go, JAVA, making it the programmer’s favorite.

CryptoCoin PR is one of the premier press releases for crypto-related news, press releases, ICO launches, and content related to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, IOTA, Stellar, NEO and others altcoins. is one of the most important digital asset publications worldwide.

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