Infura And Truffle Now Support Polygon

ConsenSys’ leading developer tools, Infura and Truffle, now support Polygon with boilerplate application tooling, API access, and customer service for applications using the Polygon PoS chain.

New York, NY, May, 12, 2021 — Today, Infura and Truffle announced support for the innovative Polygon Proof of Stake (PoS) Ethereum commitchain. Polygon (formerly Matic) has seen enormous growth over the past six months, with $4.4 billion in ETH now locked in the Polygon PoS bridge for moving funds between Ethereum and Polygon PoS. 

Polygon PoS’ mainnet is a hybrid Plasma Proof-of-Stake commitchain to the Ethereum mainnet, which consists of a Tendermint consensus validator layer and a Plasma sidechain for block production. The average cost for a transaction on Polygon (in $MATIC) is currently $0.0000371, saving Ethereum users on fees for swapping ERC-20 tokens. The network maintains its own security through $MATIC validators. In order to scale up support for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible networks, ConsenSys will be providing a range of developer support for applications and protocols using the Polygon PoS chain. 

ConsenSys’ industry-leading developer suite makes developing on decentralized networks as easy as modern cloud platforms. With Infura and Truffle, developers have all the tools necessary to build, deploy, test, and run applications on Ethereum, IPFS, and now Polygon. 

Polygon development, made easy

Developers can now add the free Polygon Network add-on directly in their Infura dashboard. Using the Polygon network API is as easy as the Ethereum API and utilizes the same API credentials. For more information on the full support check out the complete documentation

The new Truffle CLI integration will simplify the process by which a developer can instantiate, compile, and deploy an application vis-a-vis Polygon PoS, using a boilerplate Polygon Truffle project (a “Truffle Box”). In addition to enabling development for Polygon PoS, The Polygon Truffle Box includes detailed instructions for configuring and using a Truffle project to interact with the Polygon PoS chain.

ConsenSys’ Customer Success team will also provide support for developers and consumers building and using applications on Polygon. 

Jaynti Kanani, Co-Founder, Polygon said, “We are excited to work with ConsenSys’ Infura and Truffle teams to bring additional value to the Polygon ecosystem with a Polygon network API and a dedicated Polygon Truffle Box. This will allow dapps to increase reliability and performance and achieve faster time to market in the Polygon ecosystem.”  

Mike Godsey, GM and Head of Product at Infura said, “At Infura, we are committed to simplifying the lives of developers. It is clear that the developer demand for scaling solutions that work directly with Ethereum is here and growing. Polygon PoS is a thriving solution that we are thrilled to be supporting as it adds a ton of value to the community of developers building with our tools.”

Faina Shalts, Ethereum Scaling and L2 Integration Lead at Truffle, said, “Truffle aims to make blockchain development a streamlined and accessible experience. Ethereum-based dapp development is rapidly entering a new phase wherein a multi-network future is certain and Layer 2 solutions like Polygon’s are leading the charge into this uncharted territory. Layer 2 scaling is essential to the health of the Ethereum ecosystem, and the Truffle team is delighted to support the Polygon PoS chain in helping developers build toward this future.”

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