Ethereum (ETH) And Mehracki (MKI) – Could be a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity For Huge Profit

After a stellar year in 2021, Ethereum (ETH) reached an all-time high in November when it was trading at around $4,800. This last weekend, it fell to under $1,000 for the first time in over eighteen months. On the face of it, this may seem like a time to stay away from the altcoin and watch how it reacts in the coming weeks.

However, there is also a different school of thought. Many investors who have been kicking themselves in recent years for not investing in Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC) in the early days when prices were so low, can now see another chance to get in on the action. 

As well as big hitters like Ethereum (ETH), we will also take a look at a new meme coin that holds enormous potential as it nears its official launch date, Mehracki (MKI).

Ethereum (ETH) – The Merge

Ethereum (ETH) has been a major success story since its inception back in 2015. However, it has come in for some criticism in the past, especially regarding the blockchain’s tardy transaction times and expensive fees. This looks all set to change soon, in the shape of the highly anticipated proof-of-stake consensus, known as ‘The Merge’. This is expected to fix these problems and unleash the full potential of Ethereum (ETH). The switch to proof-of-stake was completed on the Ropsten testnet earlier this month and will be ready for complete transition soon.

The merge to a proof-of-stake promises to speed up transaction times and lower gas fees. On top of this, proof-of-stake is much less energy-consuming than proof-of-work, which involves lengthycrypto mining. Miners have to solve vastly complex maths puzzles using huge amounts of computer power to create new tokens. So the large carbon footprint that Ethereum (ETH) creates will be greatly reduced. 

Another benefit of moving to proof-of-stake is that it will allow investors the opportunity to earn rewards from the network, as users can use their coins to validate transactions and create new tokens.

All of these advances, along with its lowest price since January 2021, meaning now is a potentially a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get onboard with Ethereum (ETH).

Mehracki (MKI) – A More Powerful Meme Coin

Ethereum (ETH) is a well-established altcoin, and this makes it all the more tempting to invest in it now. However, another great investment opportunity exists in the shape of the new meme coinMehracki (MKI). It is currently available on presale, which means prices are low and the potential to earn profit could be huge if its launch goes to plan. Tokens that are not snapped up during the presale will be burned by Mehracki (MKI) to keep the value of the tokens from decreasing.

Mehracki (MKI) wants to reignite the meme coin market, which has been waning somewhat in recent months, mainly due to the lack of substantial usage that meme coins have for users. Most meme coins rely on their community being active or good publicity from famous investors to boost their price on the exchange.

Mehracki sets out to change all this. Unlike other meme coins, Mehracki (MKI) is a cryptocurrencyand a utility token that is used as a store of value for its transactions. Mehracki (MKI) is aiming to achieve merchant integrations within the hospitality and tourism industry.

Eventually, the plan is to be able to use Mehracki (MKI) for purchases throughout the industry, eradicating the need for currency exchange fees and therefore freeing up plenty of room for discounts across the board.

Both Ethereum (ETH) and Mehracki (MKI) represent huge opportunities for potentially very big profits. Follow the links below if you want to get on board.

Ethereum ETH Mehracki MKI tokens meme coin presale coins

Learn more about Mehracki (MKI):





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